
I am a carpenter and designer, living in a small island community on the largest freshwater lake in the world. I am deeply invested in disrupting the cycle of intergenerational trauma in my own lineage and my communities. I am more interested in the exploration of questions than the proving of answers.

Friendly Faces in South Lake Tahoe

July 20, 2017
Tahoe Zero Day #2
Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike: Day 76

Our second zero day. What a wonderful day to sleep in until 10, my goodness. We tried to bike to the grocery store to buy berries for French toast but the bikes at the airBNB are TERRIBLE, with either no brakes or brakes that are on 100% of the time. We made it about 5 minutes before turning around. Instead I made compote with our freeze dried berries. We had bacon-brie-berry French toast piled high. After that? Nap time for another hour.

Once rested, we tried bikes out again with renewed determination, and headed for the local coffee shop. Free Bird is tiny but extremely friendly service. After coffee we returned to the natural foods coop to finish resupplying, and then back home. I made walnut taco meat for packing out; Alex made more cookies. 

We had 100% grass fed cheeseburgers for dinner, and then found out Beaver and Cake were in town! CAAAAKE! He had decided not to skip the Sierra after all, and had just gotten into Tahoe!

We biked to the lake and met the guys for a beer and people watching at Tahoe’s summer music series. There are a lot of Bros and questionably dressed people in Tahoe, all look like they are hunting (for a hookup, not like game hunting wearing camo). I was dressed conservatively, but putting on town clothes instead of hiking clothes I had a holy shit moment. Trail has eaten up a lot of my body! I don’t have a fupa anymore, and that is a lifetime first.

When we got home it was relaxing, finishing packing and finishing watching Lion, trying to finish our beer and town food before heading to trail in the morning.

Left and Right Turn Around, Alex Swims, Smores Taunt Us

South Lake Tahoe Resupply